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    Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring and Assessment

    The ENORA Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring and Assessment is readily available across multiple devices such as…

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    Sleep Stage Classifier

    This service is provided as-is. No data are stored during any operation of…

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    Graphical User Interface of Belt Sensor

    The documentation provided a detailed description…

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    Gait Analysis

    The documentation provided a detailed description of the GA.

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    Facial Emotion Recognition AI-Toolkit

    The FER AI Toolkit can be accessed from various platforms, including smartphones and laptops. Patients or…

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    Virtual Agent

    The medical conversational agent (CA) is an adaptation of the Intelligent Personal Agent CIPA (CERTH),…

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    Virtual Keyboard

    The Virtual Keyboard is a Smart-screen keyboard typing patterns, correlated to mental disorders’ (e.g.…

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    Virtual Super Market

    Developed within the En-NOISIS project and is based on a virtual shopping exercise.


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    Line Tracking tool


    Developed within the NoTremor EU project.
    The Line Tracking Test (LTT) is a…