Developed within the NoTremor EU project.
The Line Tracking Test (LTT) is a windows application that can identify different components of the human movement such as reaction time, movement time, several internal time delays.

The LLT is designed to measure the ability to follow a randomly moving target (the cyan line) while ignoring the distracting target (the red line).

People with PD have been found to perform worse in this test compared to healthy controls. In particular, PD patients are much slower and more distracted by the red line. LTT has been shown to be sensitive in detecting subtle impairments in hand movements in PD patients. Thus, it was selected as a valuable clinical assessment tool for the ALAMEDA Parkinson’s pilot.

The test in itself records the position of the target, distractor of the human touch lines. Therefore, there are essentially the quantities as temporal data: two “inputs” (target and distractor) and one “output” (human response).