The medical conversational agent (CA) is an adaptation of the Intelligent Personal Agent CIPA (CERTH), Generation A & B. In order to train the chatbot, proper educational content and formal guidelines were collected by medical partners about the three dis
In terms of the ALAMEDA Innovation Hub and AI toolkit, and more specifically in the context of T7.4 Third Party Digital Health Solutions leading, CERTH integrated its virtual agent as part of this community hub. For this purpose a number of actions had been initiated by WCS, which was the leader of this task:
The Innovation Hub Application on line form had been shared to identify the targeted problem, the proposed solution and the motivation for integration with ALAMEDAs Innovation Hub
Also a questionnaire had been shared to identify if the AI-enabled solution proposed is GDPR compliant
Finally an interview had been conducted in respect to agent integration and more specifically the technical solution, the main purpose of the integration of this solution and the benefits anticipated